Contributors Articles - We Create Our Life

Now is the Time! Procrastination? It's your choice!

'When I have made it in business'. 'When I am a well renowned coach'. 'When I have the perfect relationship'. 'When I have achieved my sporting goals'... THEN I will live as I want...

This belief, owned by many, is not resonant with the way 'being here' and creating our life works. We can only create something, or BE something by vibrating at the correct energetic frequency.

Whether it is a relationship, a career - it doesn't matter what 'it' is - our life is a reflection of our inner energetic vibration, and this is what is creating our reality NOW - for the better, or not! 

I recognise there are people who have come into this life with an energetic vibration that cannot recognise they are the creators of their own destinies. If you are reading this article you are NOT one of them. 

Some might say that our energetic vibration attracts situations, relationships, wealth, success etc. 'INTO' our world. This suggests things happen outside us and that we are at the mercy of some 'higher' force. This is not my experience; we came into this world with free will and the only limits we have are defined by our beliefs.

We are the creators and the only way to create something is to 'be it', to 'live it' – NOW - and to be clear enough to NOT have energetic blockages preventing a natural expression!

As we have already said, the outside is an expression of our inner rather than the other way around.

I spent many years in recording studios working with bands and musicians, some who 'tried' so hard to 'make it' and other who 'fell into' being extremely famous very quickly.

I noticed the subtle difference between the two was the energetic 'trying' and the energetic 'knowing'; both of these energetic vibrations were reflected at the deepest level and so created belief systems that make or break dreams.

If we are consistently 'trying' to 'do' or 'be' something that is what we manifest - 'trying'!

If we have a yearning to be a businessperson or to be in the relationship of our dreams, we have to be it NOW; we have to live it NOW. This involves looking at beliefs we have that get in the way of our desired outcome. If we 'want' something but haven’t cleared the energetic part that leads us to doubt, we will always be trying.

We all have beliefs, but whose beliefs are they anyway?

We have been given all sorts misinformation; 'you have to work hard', 'life is tough'...

Our guardians, educators and peers are not to blame; firstly they have been misinformed themselves, but even more importantly - we came into this life with an energetic vibration that manifested our upbringing, our education, our experiences and therefore our beliefs!

Our life is OUR responsibility!

It is important to look at the beliefs we have; especially those that are holding us back. If our beliefs create our world, it would make sense that we are also creating the things we DONT want. If we believe that we have to 'work hard' to 'get' what we want, we are limiting our creative expression, our own abundance and of course we will have to 'work hard' to 'get' or 'not get' what we want - depending on our beliefs.

The notion may also exist that we have to change our beliefs in order to create the life we want. From my experience there is a subtle shift needed in this idea; we have to clear our old beliefs AND the patterns that support them.

It is not about going into battle with our old ways of thinking, our patterns or our beliefs and it is not about blaming those who we project have misled or misinformed us - these are very limiting and disempowering attitudes that reinforce the idea that something 'outside' us is in control.

So HOW do we make the shift...?

This, throughout the ages, has been described as the simplest of things and the hardest! 

It is a matter of watching our patterns and our beliefs in every waking moment; it is our choice as to whether we want to live out of our patterns, beliefs, and reactive spaces - or whether we want to live from a clear, conscious space.

Some Buddhist philosophies say there are 3000 possible outcomes to any given moment... What outcome have you chosen or have you created? It really is your choice, and the choice is made from your absolute awareness in this moment - or NOT

An example might be someone wanting a deep, conscious relationship. As we know the outside world is an expression of our inner world, we would need to look at where we are NOT having this relationship with ourselves, our inner world. Do we believe that we are not worthy, that we are bad or undeserving? Do we hold beliefs of self-doubt or even self-hatred? 

If we witness any of these beliefs in ourselves we need to feel them deeply within and allow them to pass through our body. We need to feel them, no matter how intense or painful, without attaching stories (When I was young I was treated badly etc.). This will transform and clear energetic vibrations allowing clarity and space for a new, conscious way of life.

If we combine 'clearing' with the 'living out' (or 'Living IN') of our new life, we cannot fail to consciously create our desired outcome.

The more we practice and the more we witness our clearing and our new life shaping the way we want, the more empowered we feel. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy! The contrary is to NOT clear, to NOT create our lives consciously, to worry, to live in fear and to wish for 'something different' leaving us very disempowered and even despairing. 

It is always up to us; we are the creators of our own lives.

What are you creating? Is it your conscious choosing? What beliefs do you have that are holding you back? Now is the Time! Procrastination?

It’s your choice!

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