A Feeling Of Peace In The Mountains...
It's trying to rain - in Spain!
'The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain... I think she's got it, by George she's got it...'
I can remember this song from 'My fair lady' which I went to see when I was very young, with my little sister Rosy and our 'Mummy and Daddy'... I loved the songs and the energy and the outing to the Rex Cinema in Haslemere, as a family...
I have since recognised that a few times in my life, I have fallen into 'Eliza Doolittle' type relationships with a man, demonstrated in this film... Where I was 'blossoming' under their tutorage, and becoming a 'better person' through their influence...
As I reflect now I recognise the 'development' I acquired within these relationships, but I can also see that there was some control and manipulation within the dynamic... Breaking free to truly own the received gifts for myself; and recognise them as mine and an expression of me, was the most important part of my growth...
I also learned that the coaching and development of a person is simply about guiding them to the threshold of their own mind, their own truth, leading them to greater self knowledge and freedom, without any attachment or investment in the process or to the outcome...
Whether that be needing to be needed, giving something we didn't get ourselves, or needing approval or to know we have worth...
When I was 38 I took 6 months off working with people as I became aware of an aspect in me that could bind them up... I needed to be loved!
I could connect easily with people and enjoyed working with them... However, I remember seeing Princess Diana's wonderful quality of being able to connect with anyone and everyone; but also seeing within her, a huge need for love herself...
I felt this was the same within me, and was aware that this would limit the growth of those who came to work with me...
I have had a wonderful three days working with Jane, who has been willing, like Tim, to appear in my blog!
I see with more clarity than ever, that all that is really important in working in the lives of other people, is to be as clear a mirror as possible for them to see themselves reflected back in... And so to know themselves fully...
The truth is if I am to truly help others, I must first help me...
I remember when I first started to use my healing hands, I read this quote...
'First the needs of the healer... Deep pause for consideration... Then the needs of the other...'
We begun our day meeting to run in the mountains again, Jane did a loop with us and them returned to her hotel and Anadi and I continued to run...
'There is never an easy run here, is there?' I said... 'No, it's never easy in the mountains' Anadi replied...
'But there is something magical and embracing and an energy that carries us along...'
This is true, I have been to the mountains for racing and training over the years, and firstly I notice that I get much fitter; but also I experience that there is something healing in their energy, which lends itself to being in the present moment...
I seem unable to feel any tension at all...
I first noticed this in the 80's when I was feeling more tense, and unhappy and putting myself under a lot of pressure in my life...
In the mountains the angst left me completely....
The gift I took from this was that if I could feel at peace in the mountains, then this must be inside me and therefore I could find it when I came home to England...
This state I experienced informed a lot of my inner seeking, and was a place I knew I had discovered and must therefore possible to feel all the time...
And now I am reminded of this again...
I see looking all around me still magnificence and experience a feeling the peace in these mountains... I understand that there is a far greater, beautiful stillness to be experienced than I ever knew...
And that it is within me.