A Belle Plage...
I am getting to know the island...
I ran a loop and knew where I was...
I loved every step... I felt well, and fluent in my running... The sunny island with a sea view almost every turn I took...
And churches everywhere, still, silent, magnificent peace....
I felt light; I could feel layers have gone from me, my old lives, memories, me in the past have gone, been forgotten or become simply stories of 'Julia's life...'
Not important in the now....
I finished my run by going up the hill from the Harbour and past the Grand... I called to Anadi in his 'office'....
He looked up and waved delightedly...
I noticed how lovely it is to be greeted with delight...
It's what we all need, it's what we needed in the very beginning...
To know we were wanted and loved...
When there is a wound within us because this wasn't so, we can heal one another when we show utter delight at the arrival of our friend, our partner our child...
It is very nurturing and important that children know they have permission to be here, that they are wanted and their preferences honoured...
I noticed Anadi's lovely open energy, his warmth and delight at seeing me appear and I hope he saw and felt the same within me...
We can heal one another every moment, by honouring one another's presence, by being clear and open...
'Oh beautiful I'm sorry, I forgot to leave the keys... They're in my pocket'
'I haven't been back yet' I laughed 'I came here first, I must have known...' And on some level I did, we know everything there is to know, we just don't know we know it.
As Richard Bach says in his book 'Illusions'...
“Learning is finding out what you already know, Doing is demonstrating that you know it, Teaching is reminding others that they know it as well as you do. We are all learners, doers, and teachers.”
As I was walking down the road later on, to meet Anadi for lunch, two people stopped me on the corner of the street...
In French they asked me if I spoke French...
I said to them that 'je Comprend Francais tres bien' but that speaking it is a little different...!
Anyway, we established that they had arrived at the port, they wanted a beach, and here they were on a street, just up from the port with no sign of a 'plage'...
I suggested they caught the Trois deux deux autobus.... I asked them to follow me and took them to the bus stop.
'Quelle heure et il' I asked... Magically I discovered a bus was due in deux minutes...
I suggested Ramla, where I had been running today.
'Vingt minutes direct' I said...
'It's a belle plage...'
I felt quite the tour guide...