Contributors Articles - Anadi's Voice

It’s All About Energy!

Nikola Tesla, one of the most renowned inventors, electrical engineers, mechanical engineers and futurist of our time was quoted as saying “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”. 

We, as human beings, are born into this paradigm with a soul, an energy that defines who we are, the life we lead, the family we are born into, the friends and lovers we relate to; in fact all of our experiences. In Vedic terms we could say this represents our Karma.

Being born into this life with our energetic makeup, possibly the accumulation of many lives, means we have a propensity, or an attraction to what resonates with our energetic frequency. For some this might be wealth, for others poverty.

The examples are endless, but most of us have witnessed the striving for an outcome that comes to some with absolute ease and that alludes others no matter how hard they try; this can be money, a job, a relationship, a way of life etc.

If we accept that we are an expression of our energetic makeup, we have to accept that anything that comes into our lives has done so because it resonates with our own energetic vibration.

This means we are completely responsible for everything that happens in our world. It is important to recognise this is not a mental responsibility - it is an energetic one.

If we are experiencing the world as a cruel place it is a reflection of an unresolved part of us that might feel we may have been treated in a cruel way. If we are seeing the hopelessness of the world, it is a reflection of the hopelessness within us.

It is the same reflection if we are seeing the good in the world or the wonder and magnificence of our surroundings; this is representative of our energetic vibration.

Although it can feel like we are bound to our Karma, our energetic makeup, we are not.

Science has proved time and time again that energy can be transformed.

If we allow energy to move amazing things happen, and therein lies the secret to our freedom.

What if we clear any energy that is not flowing within us?

What if we can transform the energy we brought into this life?

What if our focus was to be as clear as still water, not a ripple on the surface?

What would we attract into our lives from this frequency and vibration?

The journey of transforming our energy takes great courage.

It means a willingness to let go of all that defines us; because we have lived our whole life in our energetic vibration we are used to it!

We say things like “that’s the way I am” or “it’s just me”.

We are defined by our behaviours and we are defined by our experiences without realising these are a reflection of our original energetic vibration.

As much as we might complain about aspects of our lives, not many are willing to let go of the sense of “I”.

To fully let go means there is no holding onto the “good bits”!

It’s all or nothing!

This very moment is the only experience, this very moment an expression of our clarity.

If every time we felt a reaction in our bodies, a tightening in our stomach, we allow the energy to flow through us without attachment or blame, without story or agenda of outcome it transforms, it moves and it frees us.

Most of our energies movement is blocked with ideas that we “should”, or “should not”, that this is “wrong” or this is “right”!

If we can truly witness the blocks within us and our allow energy to move freely we create an alchemy of energy, frequency and vibration...

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