Flying On Land
As we were heading out today from Orchid Resort the family who own 'our home' gathered around us; they were concerned we keep safe. They warned us that the monkeys are dangerous...We reassured them that Anadi, since his research, has now taken to carrying a stick when we are near monkey territory...!
Today we made the trek to Haad rin beach again; along the 'monkey stretch' Anadi carried his stick; he then hid it in the bushes and collected it on the way back.
On the return journey, the sun was very high in the sky and the hills were very steep, and so we walked rather than run...
As we walked Anadi was practising a Kung Fu twirl with his stick, by the time he came to leave it, he had perfected the move into an art!
On the way to the beach I called in at the nurses station... I have a very strange red wheal on my arm!
It turns out I have had an allergic reaction to an insect bite...
I was sent to the pharmacy, and I now have ointment which my arm responded positively to almost the instant it was applied...
'It is amazing to be in a body nowadays isn't it'? I said to Anadi; 'We have the chance for many of us to stay in it for years longer than our ancestors did...'
I love having the possibility to find our what my body can do, particularly of course in running terms... I am very conscious that my emotional and inner processes show up in my physical being; but once some of these processes are manifest, I have so appreciated the support of the doctors and nurses I have seen abroad to see me through, alongside my own 'letting go'....
My doctor in the UK never ever saw me....
But in the last two years since I have been abroad more I have seen many doctors! A French one for extreme sickness, a Spanish doctor for an infected finger - the infection was racing up my arm! Another Spanish doctor a year later for a lung infection; a Thai nurse to stop us 'disappearing' due to Thai Tum not abating... and now today a Thai nurse to help my arm calm down, and stop over reacting!
With the space that this new life has given me, I have been able go more deeply into my own clearing and processes...
The different climate, no fixed abode and time travel have all been instrumental in shaking things up and accessing where my vulnerabilities are and so allowing healing, the possibility to dive into greater trust and to deepen my self inquiry...
We arrived on the beach today and I said 'let's run barefoot...' We were taking off our shoes and socks when I had another idea... 'How about some intervals? Not too many, ten times a minute with thirty seconds rest?'
'Sounds good to me' Anadi replied....
We asked four young women sunbathing if we could leave our bag and shoes with them... 'While we run up and down and then have a swim...'
'How long will you be?'
'No more than half an hour '
'We will be here' they smiled...
The beach was long and the sand firm; we raced back and forth; it felt amazing! Flying on land! Running free!
When we had finished, we dived into the sea, turquoise blue, refreshing, wonderful immersion; Anadi said 'being in the sea feels like it realigns everything, it feels so healing'...
We bobbed about and I suddenly realised I had not given Achilles one thought, not even considered him... I had just run and run.
I believe my Achilles tendon must be fully healed; this is the first time I have run fast since September...!
We swam out to a buoy in the distance... And then back to the shore; after drying and changing, we made our way to the bar where we'd had lunch two days previously.
When the waitress brought us our drinks she said... 'I saw you guys running; respect...
You were running so fast'!