The Morning Fix...!
We are on a mini break!
We drove to the South East of the island to this beautiful oasis, it is a magnificent house built by John and Ellen who are our hosts. John is from Italy and Ellen is from St Lucia - they met one another in New York.
We were greeted as we climbed from our car by Ellen with enormous warmth and love... We climbed the steps and John was waiting for us on the balcony, they both welcomed us in as part of their family...
We sat chatting and drinking their welcome drink - a very refreshing cold piton beer - on a light and airy expansive terrace. It had a lovely calm feel to it, John and Ellen call it Whale Terrace because occasionally a whale has been seen swimming in the Atlantic Ocean below, which we have been warned by Ellen not to swim in... She pointed to the swirling seaweed that has not been able to get washed up on shore for two weeks, despite big waves and winds 'that is because it is a whirlpool' she said 'once in that whirlpool you would not get out...'
We assured her that we won't go swimming and told her that we had got caught in a rip ride in Costa Rica and so we know this to be an experience we do not want to repeat!
The light is fading now and I am writing under the effects of the Piton beer...!
We ran ten miles this morning and ate a late breakfast of papaya, bananas and grapefruit all, locally grown....
Lunch was missed due to our travelling and getting lost...
We were off track travelling down a rural road. We stopped to ask a group of guys, who despite being in a laid back haze of smoke, were able to put us back on the right road..
'His dope smelt amazing'! Anadi commented as we headed off again...
And so by the time we arrived it was 4pm - and the piton went down very well...
However, the more I run, the less attention I give my alcohol training... My endurance for miles improves and my endurance for alcohol reduces!
Ellen is cooking us dinner, we are the only people staying here tonight. She told us tales of other nomadic guests... And it is evident that she loves people and that she treats her guests like her family...
But then we are a family... We are one big global family and if we are open to this, and connect with people from a perspective of genuine concern for their well being, then we become open to love, to giving it and receiving it unconditionally without judgement or withholding...
This doesn't mean allowing ourselves to get taken advantage of or abused, it just means keeping an open heart and recognising ourselves in one another...
I said to Anadi the other day that I had got very familiar in Thailand with the namaste greeting; here there is a different way, sometimes putting fists together and saying 'hey man' and sometimes just plain 'hello'!
Today when we ran we had many positive greetings, encouraging us to.. 'Keep at it...' 'Dont stop' and...
'You're having your morning fix'!