Stepping Into The Unknown
We are all sitting on the terrace - our ‘office’!
The day is passing in dreamlike fashion, flowing and relaxed, and tranquil….
A day of more rest and reflection for Pru, a pause to process all the work she has done in the past four days, and integrate the shifts within her!
I was awake before my Gayatri alarm this morning, and so leapt out of bed in quite lively fashion…!
Anadi on the hand was still feeling half asleep as we readied ourselves to head out…!
I was posting my blog before the ‘off’… (at 4.40am in the UK), and so Anadi turned his computer on… ‘Its 4.40am’ he exclaimed…
‘Yes, I know, its why I can post my blog when we get up this early now, rather than in the middle of the night…’
(If we wake up later than 6.30, I post my blog in the night when I get up for a wee, as its too early in the UK when we go to bed!)
I didn’t realize he thought that it was 4.40am in Corfu!
By nearly 7am here we left the building… ‘Oh! Anadi said ‘Its 7am…’
His computer is on UK time, and in his ‘early morningness’ he had forgotten, and thought I had ‘got him up to run’ at 4.30am… He didn’t make a murmur of complaint at the unearthly hour he thought I had chosen to run at…!
He did train in China with the shaolin monks of course , and that was always a 5am start….
It was a beautiful spring morning and we ran along silently - with the company of a dog, who joined us - we are now used to this in whatever country we land in, there is ‘our dog’!
‘What a wonderful sunrise’ I said…. We started to chat about the concept of the sun rising and day dawning, when in truth, as Anadi commented, it is us ‘planet earth’ simply orbiting around the sun and coming once more in line with its powerful rays of light and heat, that we call ‘day…’.
Over breakfast, Pru, Anadi and I talked more about time… About it being a different thing in the quantum world, and therefore the time over distance theory that we all adhere to only being a mental concept…
This was sparked by Anadi’s and my ‘sun rise chat’ – as well as conversations with friends on Facebook about the concept of time passing – when in the quantum world it’s a different thing…
In this paradigm time is measured over distance, in the quantum world there are particles that disappear and re-appear somewhere else… For those particles there is no time!
Human beings made time up because of the rhythms of the planets orbiting the sun and the moon orbiting us…
Day following night, the change of seasons, the months and the years ‘passing by…’
And so we explored and talked about these things whilst eating Greek yoghurt honey and fruit; eggs from Stefanos hens for Anadi, fresh coffee and orange juice with the sun sparkling on the Ionian sea below us…
It can be fun to explore, to stretch not only our comfort zones, but our beliefs, our concepts, our ideas…
How are we held by our beliefs and our thoughts? How are we stuck and trapped….? How are we released…? How are we set free?
A ‘not knowing stance’ can set us free, in so many ways… If we suspend our beliefs about everything that ‘we know we know’, and instead step to a place of ‘not knowing’, what could be possible?
Our concept of time means that we think there is an ending, when in truth there is no end in sight at all.
There is no finish line in the moment…
After breakfast Pru and I ran down the road for an easy stretch out and a sit on Barbati Beach…
We chatted about consistency and how there is no end or beginning to being fit, so finding a way to be consistent means that fitness training must be fun…!
We talked about how simple it is to move the body in ways that open the lungs and exercise the heart, that stretch the muscles and so express ourselves through our bodies movement; our body our instrument…. This way it is fun to explore going beyond what we did before, and finding that the feeling of the stretch can be fun…
And then finding… ‘I can do this’!
We talked more about shedding the concepts of ‘push’ and ‘not good enough’ and about taking control of our own lives…
How taking control feels completely different to being ‘in control…’!
‘In control’ has suggestions of ‘oughts’ and ‘shoulds’ and ‘have to's’…
Whereas when we ‘take control’ we know that consistent wholesome practices will allow us to express ourselves in limitless ways…
As we made our way down the sandy track to the sea, a snake slithered right across our path…. The whole way across!
Pru stopped suddenly and I grabbed her arm!
We stood completely still like this and watched it curve its way to the bushes in front of us….
‘I’ve never seen a snake in the wild before’ Pru said….
‘It’s about transformation and healing isn’t it?’ I said ‘about shedding the skin of the old, clearing it all away and starting afresh…’
We looked up ‘snake totem’ when we returned; and this is what we found…
‘The snake as a spirit animal can be to provide guidance about life changes and transitions, whether they are happening at the physical, emotional or spiritual level.
The snake is close to earth energies and represents life force. Since it’s a reptile, the snake spirit animal is reminiscent of unconscious drives and primal instincts. When the snake spirit animal shows up, pay attention to how you use your energy, and where you draw it from.
The snake can symbolize spiritual guidance. The presence of the snake in your life often means that you are in a period of transition and it points to ways promote your personal growth.
Snake could appear as a spirit animal when you are stepping into the unknown and need support to move forward. This animal is typically close to the ground and can remind you of staying grounded as you move through changes’