Becoming Yourself Completely...
Yesterday Anadi was watching a video... 'Is that Osho...?' I asked recognising his voice... 'Yes' Anadi replied... Osho was talking about sex as a meditation, about love being expressed through sexual union, and about the need to create the time, not to rush... To create the sacred space for love and connection, sex as a spiritual practice....
'Its everything we recognised in one another when we met...' I said
Tantra had been a practice that resonated most with my own yearnings and leanings... 'Tantra is the discipline of becoming yourself completely. In the end there is nothing at all to do'
Becoming ourselves completely, letting go of tension completely - As we ran today Anadi and I explored this, 'to some degree all of us are holding into our tension, thinking this is who we are' he said - 'it has often been what we identify with, and has meant we have 'pushed' ourselves and achieved because of it - often quite hard to let go of'!
We had decided to reccy for some off road running up near Pantokrator, I prefer to run off road as much as possible, particularly for long runs... So we drove up the windy road we had run down last Wednesday, keeping our eyes open for the track that had looked like we could run for miles along....
When we woke up, we had lain chatting and cuddling for half an hour or so before rising to make coffee and set off for Pantokrator.... We were remembering the Osho video Anadi had watched yesterday...
'All that Osho says I teach my clients' I said... 'And it's what we did when we met... Created lots of sacred space to be together with nothing else, just us, our bodies, our eyes and our naked transparency....'
In meeting one another we had found what we had always felt was possible, the deepest connection...
Our motivation the same, to keep clearing anything that prevents us being our true self....
As we talked we agreed that although our relationship is deeper, more connected than ever, and easier certainly than those early months when we were working through so much! That do not make the same amount of sacred space and time as we did in the beginning ...
When a couple first 'get together' it is quite usual to meet to be together alone, intimately, with all the time in the world...
It seems important to keep creating this sacred space, putting aside an afternoon, a morning, a whole day, a whole weekend.... To just be together, with no work, or computer, or phone, or running or anything else to do... To simply be naked and still in this space together....
This is true of friendships too, it isn't exclusive to lovers, and intimacy is about connection, about exploration, not about sex as it is often portrayed in our western world...
'Let's do it then...' Anadi said, 'let's start creating more space than we do now for the sacred sexual space....'
We found the path we were looking for, and had a joyous reccy... The path wound all around the mountain, sandy rocky but runnable and high up, the views of Corfu stretching out all around us... 'We can run for miles here'
'I am so glad that we talked this morning' I said, 'I feel so excited that we will plan more time for us to just hang out and lie about and explore in that way...'
The adventure that we have set off on has meant huge commitment to working each day to create a sustainable lifestyle so that we can continue to live as nomads... We could both be described as workaholics by onlookers! Although I prefer to describe it as passionate about what I do, and Anadi too, and we are both supportive of the other, so if I have a Skype session late, or I am getting up in the middle of the night to post my blog, or I announce I want to run for miles and miles he supports this totally - and me the same with him....
And we are committed to and adhere to what we have said we will do.... We plan the time, we make the space....
And so it is only natural with a lifestyle that becomes about an adventure, a journey into the unknown, which requires spaces and times allocated to work, to running, to eating to sleeping.... that time must be allocated too for love making and intimacy without rushing or trying to 'fit it in' to a busy schedule!
I felt liberated and joyous after our reccy as we sat in our restaurant eating Greek salad, tzatziki, potato salad, meat balls, fried zucchini; a basket of bread to mop up the oil... The view of the sea, still, blue, sacred....
'Tantra is the way of the hero who neither rejects nor fears any aspect of life. The Tantrist seeks freedom through life and not through escape, using the body as an instrument of evolution. In the words of a Tantric proverb...
'He who would rise must first thrust himself up with the aid of the earth...'