Take Nothing Personally...
On my way into Central London yesterday I arrived at Highbury and Islington, and looked for my ticket.... It was nowhere to be found!
When I arrived at Victoria, I searched for someone official, to see if they would let me through the exit, (without a ticket!) and at that moment noticed that the bigger entrance gate, was being held open for some people to come through with big bags... The official person had his back to me, and I slipped through unnoticed...
After I had finished working, I started for home, and at Victoria asked a station person if there was any way I could get through without a ticket as I has lost mine... Or would I need to buy a new one...?
He looked at me, and then said, 'I can let you through here, and you will have to see if you can get through at your destination...' I got through with ease, as there is no one to check tickets at Winchmore Hill...!
A world where we our word is our truth would be a different world, a world where we accept that what people say, is what they mean and not to be a lie...
We would all work together and communicate in far more creative ways, if we trusted one another both to tell the truth, but also to receive our truth without feeling it to be criticism or judgement...
When we we were in St Lucia, we met a guy one day, who tearfully told us that he had no money and was hungry and that he was waiting for his papers to get back into Trinidad. He had landed a few days ago, he said, and was waiting for his parents to send money and his papers meanwhile he was hungry... I have forgotten the story as to exactly why he was trapped on St Lucia, but it seemed very plausible; although there was a thread of doubt in me as I gave him twenty dollars to see him through...!
So I did it because I wanted to, suspecting that just maybe, it was his 'money earning tactic...!'
A few days later, I saw him coming towards us, and just before he recognised us he started to tell the same story, then quickly shifted it, to another tale about going to the airport, but still not being able to leave, and losing his temper and so on....
'Why did you come back here?' I asked ' the airport is the other end of the island...'
It helps not to take being lied to personally... I have noticed in relationships where there are a lot of untruths being told, that the patterns can get entrenched... Because of the dynamic of the relationship, it means that the lies affect their life and it becomes taken as a personal attack or 'let down', which is understandable because of the impact....
But one secret to being free is to take nothing personally!
This can take a lot of work, especially when locked into a relationship which might be based on lying...
As always it asks that we take responsibility for our own lives first and foremost, our own lessons, our own reactivities, not those of the other; and always enquire into why we might have invited this into our life, what patterns and energetic propensity has brought us to be living this reality... This scene out on the stage of our life....
In taking responsibility, we empower ourselves and become 'the chess board rather than a pawn on it...'
The only person we can change is ourself, and we can live a very frustrating life if we think that our life would be better if only others would change!
Yesterday evening I went for a sports massage with Danny Cox, who I found when we were here last....
It was a wonderful treatment, and I recognise that something I very much miss in my nomadic life is regular treatments for my body...
I recounted to him how I emailed Greg, my wonderful body worker from Eastbourne, and sent him photos of my pointy knee (damaged when I tripped and fell on rocky ground while running) from St Lucia, as in the past I would have been straight to him with said 'pointy knee...'
But once again the finger of responsibility is directed at me, to look after my own body, and to energetically be clear enough to trust that I will naturally find the people who can support me as I travel...
'A body worker' in every port'!
I am on the train to meet Amy for our joint birthday treat...
We are going to the Crusting Pipe in Covent Garden, so that we can eat lunch and listen to the buskers....
I have just had another treatment with Paul the violinist osteopath, and I told him where I was off to....
'I used to busk there' he said....