The Language Of Fans...
I am in the restaurant on the beach at Herradura, Anadi and Jane have gone for a dip in the ocean before we make the final stretch of the journey to the airport...
We have done it in stages... Half the hairpins to Orgiva,,, Only one stop when Jane felt a bit challenged by the hairpins; so we sat on the roadside and chatted, and I put my hand on her troubled tum and then we made it down to our cafe we like in Orgiva.
'De Neuvo', we said proudly to our waiter, our vocab increasing! We are back....
I am in perfect happiness in cafe with sun and Philosophique conversation, a delish lunch of the 'ensalada special' and a good 'con leche'... We could have forgotten that we were going anywhere... 'There is no where to go anyway, Ju is always reminding me', Jane laughed as we piled back into the car to navigate the hairpins to the motorway...
Mission accomplished and we sped here to the beach...
A table in the shade under the roof made of straw, looked a perfect place for us to hang out...
We ordered coffee, 'this table is only for eating' we were told (in Spanish)
'We're eating' I made an executive decision! I was keen that Jane's last few hours would be good ones, and the fairness of her skin lends itself to wilting in the sun, and feeling horrid....
So I ate another salad! Anadi chose a 'liquid beer lunch' and Jane managed some gazpacho...
We talked and relaxed and ate slowly, and the conversation took a turn to 70's sit coms, due to us laughing a lot about Anadi reminding me of Vince Pinner from 'Just Good Friends...' and it became apparent I have been on the planet longer than these two!
As we talked and laughed, we looked around us and noticed all the ladies fanning themselves with beautifully coloured fans, vibrant blue, yellow, with pretty little flowers printed on - and bright orange...
'I love it that there was a language of fans in Victorian times', Jane commented...
We were making wild guesses at possible meanings and then of course turned to google...
I read out a long list of the meaning of 'fan gestures...' Secret fan gestures, which one imagines had to be known by all to be understood, taking any secrecy away!
I then tested a Jane and Anadi... They proved excellent students...
'Fanning quickly...' I looked up 'I'm engaged' Jane said, winning the point... 'Fanning slowly...' I'm married' Anadi leapt in first that time...
'Passing the fan from hand to hand...' 'Ummm 'I'm jealous...' 'No...close...'
'Ahhh, I remember; you're looking at another woman...' Both of them chimed together...
'Dropping the fan...'
'Oooh' Jane said 'two things...' We were all laughing...
'I belong to you' Jane volunteered 'Or, we can just be friends' Anadi chipped in....
I felt like I did at school, endless fun, endless nothingness...
No time limit, just chatting and being silly....
We ran this morning, our routine while Jane has been here... She and Anadi drive to the little building, I run to meet them, a lap up in the mountains with Jane, she drives back, we loop again... I ran the road way and today, and stretched out for the two miles through Capiliera; and Anadi galloped like a mountain goat down the path I had run up...
As I rounded one bend, feeling flowing, fast and relaxed, a thought flashed in, 'I truly love doing this...'
I reached home and Anadi was wandering up the road to meet me...
After we had showered we sat chatting...
'I have never been ambitious' I said to him, 'I wanted to run fast...' That was it really, 'I knew when I was six, I wanted to run, and when I was fifteen I decided running internationaly for England was a goal I wanted to achieve... (Not ambitious at all then!!?)
But other than that I have never had an idea of what I wanted to 'do' or 'be'
I do like running fast though, I liked it then and I like it now...
Other than that I have just liked sitting in coffee shops and reading and talking really...!