Sunday Stretching Ahead
Today we ran the length of the island to Dwerja Bay... It was 8 miles!
But despite, in truth, it not being very far, it felt like a proper mission... A proper adventure.
We had decided to journey there on foot, swim, have breakfast and catch the bus back again... Anadi carried a little rucksack with our change of clothes...
We also had the luxury of this extra hour...
The day has seemed lovely and long... A Sunday stretching ahead.
We ran through the island morning sun, and sooner rather than later we had reached the sea again...
We jogged down the winding hill and found the bay was alive with divers...
A Sunday market was taking place amidst the many be wetsuited bodies...
Anadi and I wandered around and a piece of quartz called to me...
I picked it up and could feel its energy deep in my stomach...
Anadi bought the crystal for me; 'it's an energetic thing' he said 'you were attracted to each other, so it is likely part of the next stage in your journey, it can help your expansion...'
I love holding my golden rock...
I haven't wanted to put it down!
We had a plan to swim through the cave out to the sea beyond, but when we got to the 'inland sea' it was full of divers and boats....
The boats were taking folk through the caves to the open water...
'Its all changed' Anadi said, 'I don't think we should swim though with all these boats about, perhaps we should go in a boat ourselves...'
We climbed aboard with another couple....
Ours was quite an exclusive ride, the other boats had people packed in like sardines!
We chugged through the cave and then 'wow' right out in the open sea... Our boatman told us it was 90 metres deep there....
He took us into three caves with beautiful rose coloured crystal around the walls, and the water that was azure blue... Crystal clear. 'Its because there is rock below,' he explained....
We motored quite far out to look through the azure window, and the sea stretched to the horizon, blue and huge.... I respect the ocean so much.
My relationship has entirely changed with it since we have become nomads... I know I am but a speck in a far deeper way than I did before...
Adventures over mountains and in the sea with Anadi have meant that I have felt the power of the elements first hand...!
I have known my vulnerability, seen the thin veil between life and death.
And I find myself even more alive because of this...