Turn Up At The Blank Page...
I haven't really and truly got much space in the day today to write my blog; I got up early to run as I knew I had a full day ahead, and so now with a little window of time before I run again and then go to the gym, I am doing what I always do, whether I have hours ahead to write or half an hour...!
I turn up at the blank page and trust the flow...
I have discovered this is the best way to write...
I have no plan, the blog plans itself, writes itself and I open to the stream of consciousness...
I am reminded that this occurs with my work with people too...
I have no plan...
The sessions make themselves up...
I have always planned intensives, and workshops, and talks a little more, but recognise that once in the flow, the space has a way of responding to what is needed....
The path opens up, Ahhh, I say to myself, here is the plan... There was a plan after all, a different one to the one I had, but it did exist.
I put my alarm on today, crept out of our room and ran up the road in semi darkness, night time still hanging in the air...
As I approached the beach, the sky became streaked across with pink and turned dark blue; the tide was out, leaving hard, wet, flat sand that invited me to run on it...
The sea was far enough out for me to run along the flatland, behind a fisherman, past another runner; and then cross over to the next section of beach by clambering over the rocks. I felt the smell of them somehow, under my feet, and I started to wake up.
Last night Anadi and I had lain in bed and chanted the chakras before sleeping...
Three chants on each energy centre up the body... A silent space at the top, then three times each chakra down again...
A powerful lovely way to slip into sleep, and I had woken this morning still feeling slightly altered in state...
Or was it just because I haven't set an alarm for days!?
Not since the rather early race ten days ago...
Then I gave myself over two hours to 'wake up' - this morning I was running within ten minutes...
I returned to Anadi, who was all clean from the shower; after a quick shower myself, we went across the road for our cafe con leche crossing y tortilla ...
A bit of time to chat and be together before we went to our separate 'offices'...
I have found a space to Skype that is always private...
I love it that I can work from wherever I am on the planet...
That my clients and I are able to beam ourselves into each other's world...
That we are living a Star Trek reality and completely taking it for granted...