The Space Of The Lone Run
I ran alone today; the loop that goes over the bridge with the golden prancing horses, high up on pillars on each corner, past the man playing his saxophone, and back over the bridge that crosses over where the river meets the sea... A whirling body of water below, waves coming in, the river flowing out...
Despite going in different directions neither are thwarted, each continues following their flow, they do not consider trying to go against their own energy, their own direction...
And there is a harmony, in fact something beautiful happens when the two different directions meet and mingle...
Swirling spray, colours, sound... The music of nature...
And so this too is possible for us all, to meet and mingle, our different energies, our different directions need not cause conflict and war and dispute...
When I watch the river and the sea I know that we could all meet like this, even if we are going in the opposite direction... We could meet and become more in the space of connection and go on our way enriched and stronger...
I love the space of the lone run...
I recognise how good it is for me, how something different happens to when I run with Anadi... And yet the time running with Anadi is very enriching too, where we explore and share and expand. I love 'rumination on the run' with him...
I have no answer at the moment; one way would be to run more miles alone, but the increased intensity of interval training is asking I recover from that, and don't smash my body to pieces with lots more running...!
So meanwhile I will enjoy the space with him and the space alone....
Anadi read an article yesterday (he's looked for it again for me to link it, but he can't find it) that resonated with us both... In effect it said that people were doing themselves more harm that good by following new age ideals without properly going in to their issues and healing them at the deepest level...
All who work with me, know I work at the core level... Always coming back to healing our deepest wounds, which affect our lives in every moment if not cleared...
As human beings we are travelling a complex path in this life journey, and we find many many ways ways to cope with difficult situations and emotions...
Coping actions are usually symptoms of deeper problems... There are so many ways we try to cope... It might be by acting out, or helping others rather than looking at ourselves , or lowering our sights on our dreams to what feels easier, or crying or attacking, or asking for help and then rejecting it, or avoiding emotion by focusing on logic.... The list goes on and on...!
And of course it can be very unhelpful and even counter-productive to comment on the behaviour. The best approach is to discover the deeper cause and address this, which will hopefully then result in the coping mechanism disappearing.
My practise has always been to work on myself first and foremost... To become aware, to know myself; to go deeply into my adaptations, my coping mechanisms and move to clearer way of being.
Because coping is not curing. It is an adaptation in any form. Eventually, the best approach is to address the underlying issue.
If we only 'act' loving and positive and happy, and deny the tension and pain as it arises, this simply becomes another mask to finding the truth of who we are...
And relaxing into truly being ourselves... Here, now.