We Are Free...
The sky grey, warm wind, strong and lively... I ran down to the seafront I know so well...
Miles and miles of running, I have run, along this particular stretch of the coast of Britain...
There were a few people running this morning, some walking, some just standing leaning on the railings looking out to sea...
A couple of homeless guys in one of the shelters...
All a familiar scene to me...
And yet in some ways it was like I have never been here before; as if none of those running steps ever happened...
Which they haven't... It is all an illusion and my past here is gone, and I have only now.
I ran along feeling like a ghost, floating through, recognising the road but feeling as if I had never been here before.
This was my first time. All new. The squawking gulls circling and dipping, catching an upsurge gust of wind, having fun...
Yellow streaks of sunny light shone through the grey...
I always wonder when I return here to 'the Sunshine Coast' if it will call me back, if I will land and want to stay; but I knew today that I have gone, that I have nowhere now to go back to...
And that when I am here it is like the first time. All new; full of possibility.
The straight seafront stretched out in front of me as I ran three minute intervals feeling light and free, flying on land with the wind behind me, and running back into it's magical, invisible, playful games.
It felt like a metaphor for our lives... Our path ahead easier to see if we are clear of our past.
If we are free from hurt, free from pain, and free from projecting our past onto now, and re acting it out in our present...
That way makes the road ahead more winding...
As I know from experience in my own journey through life...
'Ah I recognise this... I have done this pattern before, here I go again... There may be different characters this particular scene in this film of my life... This illusion; but I have done this all before...'
If we can see our patterns, then we are likely to be 'patterning' in an upward spiral, working a bit more out each cycle...
If we are not aware of the patterns, we can spend a lifetime in the same one, living it out, rather than working it out...
The first step is to start truly noticing, for once we have seen... We cannot 'not see', and our journey has begun...
And the more we work the patterns out, heal the wounds, clear the stuff, the straighter the road ahead becomes and the easier it is to look up it and see what is coming; but to stay here now living the moment that is creating our future and healing our past.
For we all have that within us; in every moment to re write our past (which never happened) and create a new and bright future ( which doesn't exist)
In this moment it is all here, and we are free...