The Planet Our Home...
It is 5.11pm and I am by the pool of our Hotel in Bangkok, it is gloriously warm and the birdsong all around me has light, bright, sweet notes, high and continuous.
Anadi fell asleep in our Hotel room, he couldn't stay awake; and mistakenly thinking I was wide awake, I came here to write an hour ago.
We slept for just two hours on the plane, before the lights went on to herald breakfast time in Bangkok; and before long the plane was thumping down on Thai soil and rumbling to a stop, 'it feels too heavy and full to stop ' I observed to Anadi... But it did stop and we spilled out into this warm and embracing balmy sunny air, this Thai land...
I came here and lay back on a lounger by the pool, and not much writing has been happening in the last hour...! I rather like the floating feeling of sleep deprivation, when there is nothing much to be done at any rate!
Two years ago today I met Anadi.
It was at almost this exact time that I am writing that I stepped off the train at Bush Hill Park, where he was standing on the platform. I had caught the 9am train to London to be interviewed by him for his SoundsOrange website. He picked me up from the station and the rest is now a fairy story; a love story; a roller coaster of a tale...!
From the moment we met, the whirlwinds of change started blowing all around us and sweeping us up in their powerful embrace...
And the pace of change has not stopped as I have followed my heart and journeyed with Anadi...
I have always loved 'The Prophet' by Kahil Gibram, especially the passage on love.
Little did I know how much I would be surrendering, like the very words I had read so often, suggested...
'For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.
Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,
So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth. Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself.
He threshes you to make you naked.
He sifts you to free you from your husks.
He grinds you to whiteness.
He kneads you until you are pliant;
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God's sacred feast.
All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life's heart....'
We waited for awhile at the airport and then clambered into a bus that brought us to this hotel on the outskirts of Bangkok..
After a bath and freshen up, we wandered along the road. I often feel like I am living out a film script where I have not learnt the lines, time travelling and wandering about the matrix, finding my way through the maze. The clues along the way, a word a gift, a smile carrying us through different lands.
The planet our home...
I had a thought as I sat here, before my impromptu pre-writing sleep, that I might go for a run...
But that thought passed - another day and Julia's not gone running...
It feels better not to, it feels better to sleep long and then run when the sun rises again on this strange new beautiful land...
'Hello beautiful'.. Anadi's words woke me from another pause in my writing on this lounger by the pool! The sun is lower in the sky and he has now gone inside in hunt of a coffee for us...
When we went for our wander we came upon a cafe on the roadside and we were served the most amazing bowl of Tom Yum Soup with a plate of sticky rice...
'I believe this is the best food I have ever tasted in my life...' Anadi said
The little child of the restaurant owner danced around us; he had dancing brown eyes too and silky black hair and he wore a red T shirt.
'I love this child' I said to Anadi... He brought us two bracelets woven in the Buddhist temple nearby, and we now both have one on our wrist.
The boy came over and held the bracelets on our wrist, pulling on them and smiling up at us, and then he ran away, and came back... and then ran away again, laughing... 'I love that child' I said again ....
Anadi has returned...
'Happy Anniversary' I said... 'Oh man' he said 'Happy Anniversary', and he smiled and kissed me.
Then our coffee arrived.
'Is that your name'?... Anadi said to the waiter, looking at his badge...
'Yes sir', he smiled... 'Wow', I said, 'what a lovely name...'
His name is Love...